Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A first attempt my goals

This will most likely become a long running ever changing list, but I am going to begin to list what things I hope to achieve by pushing myself to be the best that I can be....

1. Back in April 2008 I tore my left biceps tendon. I was told that I would never be as strong as I was. I would never move big weights. I would have to take it easy and learn to do things differently. I believed all these things for about 2 weeks. I stopped going to the gym. I began to feel sorry for myself. I began to believe that my weightlifting life was over. Looking back, I do not know why I let this happen. Thankfully I woke up one day and took myself back to the gym. I started by curling 5lbs, then 10lbs and realized that my arm still worked, sounds silly now but that is where I was. I then began to research and read and learn everything that I should have done before I hurt myself. I discovered that I had many other muscles that still worked which I had forgotten about. I learned that overall the biceps is typically a support muscle. I have learned to listen to my body and keep in tune with what I feel. Before I tore the biceps I was curling 60 lb dumbbells, now 7 months later I am able to curl 50 lb dumbbells again. So to sum this up, even though I have already achieved this goal, I plan to continue to prove those people wrong who said that I could not do it and I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes "those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."
2. This is a personal and very vain goal, but I promise myself and anyone that reads this that I will achieve a 400 lb bench press in 2009. I cannot explain why this is so important to me, but it is. I think because it is such a numbers game in the gym, but this is for me not for anyone else.
3. I will deadlift 500 lbs before the end of 2009.
4. I will have a 275 lb military press before the end of 2009.
5. I will squat 900 lbs before the end of 2009.
6. I will enter 1 powerlifting competition in 2009.
7. Kettlebells have began to find their way into my training, I will continue to utilize them for training and restoration. I will add more to my arsenal at home as soon I can find a place that will ship 70 and 80 lb ones for free (wish me luck). Until then I will continue to do the best I can with what I have.
8. My grip strength will continue to grow stronger. I am currently doing reps with a 200 lb heavy gripper. I will begin to add my 250 lb in the next week or two. I will most likely order a 300 and a 350 lb in February so the goal here would be to see how much I can close. This is a new area for me as well, so my initial goal will be to keep up with it and see what I can do.
9. I would like to help to educate people, whether it is 1 person or 1000, I would like to show people that nothing is impossible. I am almost 40 years old, I work over 60 hours a week and I spend 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours in the gym everyday. I am stronger than I ever have been. I am more focused than I have ever been. I am in better shape than I have ever been. I am the example. I am the one doing it. I am the exception to the rule. I am the one that your mother warned you about. I will conquer every obstacle that gets in my way.
10. This is a thank you to those who have helped me along the way: Dr. Chad Walker, Carl Sipes, and the staff at Elite Fitness. You have all helped to motivate and educate me. You are the ones who have turned my life around and given me the focus and drive to succeed.

As the year goes on I will hopefully add to my goals as new experiences present themselves...

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Now you have down on paper(on screen I guess) what you are training for. This makes progress much more measurable. Don't feel bad about setting a number for your bench, dead etc. it's not vain it's a goal(right now a 500lbs deadlift is one of my goals). Recovering from your bicep injury is an idea, a good one, but still an idea...the way you will continue to recover is by getting stronger...the way you get stronger is by attaining bigger numbers in your main you have the bigger numbers you want to get. The curls are good but trust me if you hit a 400lbs bench and a 500lbs dead your bicep will be working in a much more integrated functional way.

    Now, what I would suggest is streamlining your training to hit these goals. The more variety you have in your program the more time and energy you take away from lifts that are involved in your goals. I'm not sure if you've read Power to the People or not but it's a great resource on strength. It makes cycling your sessions very easy and has a lot of other useful info. I put 50lbs on my dead in about 3 months using a plan from it. I can lend it to you but I'd recommend adding it to your collection. The other book is The Naked Warrior. It talks about body weight exercises but it's the idea of how to use your body that is important. Remember strength is a skill it's about creating tension not body size. Again I can lend it to you but I would recommend adding it to your collection. You can get them for about $25 each from amazon.

    Hope this helps. Consider what I've said and let me know if you have any questions.
